Its always comforting to begin your morning with a flight on a plane that appears to be siliconed togther. I am a loyal Continental flyer but some of these smaller planes need a little updating. I am now paying extra for an Exit row, i would like to feel that i wont be sucked out of the window. Luckily despite the weather in Newark the flight landed right in between a huge thunderstorms and i landed safe and sound. Touched down to only 45 emails in a two hour flight....light morning, thank god for technology as i can and am now expected to answer those immediatley. That is customer service though isnt it? Isnt that what i was taught get back to your customers, make sure you respond quickly, answer every problem and question. I try and i try to instill that same philosophy with everyone in the company. We are now and even more so becoming peoplewho want instant reactions, heck how long ago did we start using microwaves because our food didnt cook quick enough? It has been determined that a person now only has a 9 sec time span in which they will pay attention, so anyone reading this to this point thank you..you have passed the test. How do i get that message across in 9 seconds..im not sure but i am working on it. I have been known to speak really fast. Well i arrived home to a great sight below, a full rainbow across my yard..there is a pot of gold somewhere...Lets go find it!

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