
Artisan Sinks

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well the holiday weekend came and went,no holiday in this industry just keep plugging away.I took a trip over the left coast today as we have a few buying group meetings to attend. Lucky for me they are back to back so i only need to make one trip. The kickoff tonight had a very good forum with some industry leaders, the president from Masco Cabinetry was there as was the same from Shaw Carpets. They gave some very good insight into the market and where they feel the markets are heading. They were both on the same page that we are looking at a flatlined market for another year.
Interestingly enough it was good to hear that it isnt just our ( sink) industry that is fighting the price wars with competitors putting out sub par products. This is also going on in the flooring industry, look alike flooring at cheap prices, garbage carpets at low end prices. All i can ask is that if you are a consumer buying our products or any product on the market today...Please please..dont think your getting a better deal because its cheaper. It is this economy that brings out the crooks, the people that want to capitalize on and prey on people just looking to save a dollar. Wait another month or two save the money and put quality in your home. After all you are only going to end up doing it twice if you go with the " race to the bottom priced product" As the old saying goes you get what you pay for.
Well tomorrow i will get a good pulse on many different markets in the US and i will be happy to fill you all in.

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